December 2: The Light of the World

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
— John 8:12

The world is a dark place. Its brokenness is all around us. At times that darkness can be an overwhelming force in our lives as we face illness, bereavement or the persistent rejection of God by our loved ones. God’s response to the suffering of the world is not a stoic “get over it” or an insincere “that must be really hard”. God’s response is to shine his light into that darkness with the force of a billion suns.

Jesus is, he claims, the Light of the World. His descent into the darkness has changed everything the same way turning on a lamp in a pitch-black room changes everything. God has come! How could things possibly ever be the same as before? When a light is turned on, two things happen. Firstly, the darkness flees. John 1:5 tells us that “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”. Jesus birth has put into motion an unstoppable energy that the forces of hell cannot stand against and a light that the darkness cannot overcome. God is redeeming all things to himself.

Secondly, the people who follow the light of the world, live in the unceasing glow of his light: “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The days of fumbling in the darkness are over for the child of God. Questions like: “why is life so hard” and “what is my purpose” suddenly find clarity by his rays. The one who has come into the darkness has faced it and conquered it on your behalf. His light will never go out.

The world is in darkness and is in desperate need to know the good news of the light. This Christmas season, don’t forget the true need of those around you, and the good gift of God’s light which shines in Christ. As a spirit filled Christian, you are united to that light, and get the privilege of shining it to the world. Let that little light shine.


December 3: The Son of Man


December 1: Immanuel